Dr. Sebastian Kellner
Sebastian Kellner advises and represents individual and corporate clients in all areas of commercial and tax criminal law. The focus of his work is on the defence of his clients during investigations by the public prosecutor’s office, tax authorities and customs agencies.
Curriculum vitae
- Legal studies at Würzburg’s Julius-Maximilians- University, with a focus on criminology
- Trainee lawyer in the district of the Munich Higher Regional Court
- Academic assistant at the Munich’s Ludwig Maximilian University (Chair of German, European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure as well as Business Criminal Law, Professor Dr Helmut Satzger)
- Doctoral thesis at Würzburg’s Julius-Maximilians- University under the supervision of Professor Dr Hans Kudlich (Der Straftatbestand des Sportwettbetrugs)
- Lawyer at Roxin from 2022-23
- Lawyer at Feigen Graf since 2023
Areas of practice
Criminal employment law
Capital markets criminal law
Criminal law on corruption
Administrative offence proceedings
Tax criminal law
Antitrust criminal law
Fraud and embezzlement proceedings
Consumer criminal law
Tax and customs criminal law
Compliance investigations
Export Control Criminal Law
Selected Publications
The criminal offense of sports betting fraud
Doctoral thesis, 2020