Dr Niklas Kindhäuser
Lawyer, Counsel
Niklas Kindhäuser represents corporate and individual clients in all areas of commercial and tax criminal law. His focus areas include employment, capital markets, data protection and IT criminal law along with criminal law on corruption. In 2024, Handelsblatt lists Niklas Kindhäuser as one of “Germany’s best lawyers” in the area of commercial criminal law.
Curriculum vitae
- Legal studies in Bonn, Leeds and Tübingen with a focus on criminology and criminal justice
- Doctoral thesis in the field of computer criminal law (Der Rechtsgüterschutz der Datenhehlerei. Untersuchungen zu § 202d StGB)
- Scholarship holder of Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.
- Lawyer at Redeker Sellner Dahs from 2018-22
- Lawyer at Feigen Graf since 2022
- Counsel at Feigen Graf since 2024
Areas of Practice
Criminal employment law
Data protection criminal law
IT Criminal Law
Criminal law on corruption
Medical criminal law
Administrative offence proceedings
Pharmaceutical criminal law
Tax criminal law
Environmental criminal law
Embezzlement proceedings
Antitrust criminal law
Selected Publications
Investigation at an international law firm. Comment on BVerfG 27.06.2018 – 2 BvR 1583/17, 2 BvR 1405/17, 2 BvR 1287/18, 2 BvR 1562/17
JurisPR Compliance, 4/2018
Commentary on the criminal and administrative offences under infection control law, §§ 73 – 76 IfSG
BeckOK Infektionsschutzrecht, 2020