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Niklas Alexander Wolf, LL.M.oec.


Niklas Wolf advises and represents individual and corporate clients in all areas of commercial and tax criminal law. The focus of his work is on the defence of his clients during investigations by the public prosecutor’s office, tax authorities and customs agencies.

Curriculum vitae

  • Legal studies at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, with a focus on criminology – commercial criminal law
  • Trainee lawyer in the district of the Munich Higher Regional Court
  • Master’s course at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg
  • Lawyer at Roxin
  • Lawyer at Feigen Graf since 2023


incredibly well established in all areas
JUVE 2023/24
diverse, represented in every generation, excellent personal and professional collaboration
Legal 500 2024
the team offers particular expertise on matters related to financial misconduct, cum-ex matters, tax evasion and corruption
Chambers 2024
very clearly one of the foremost firms
Legal 500 2022
present in almost all current investigations
JUVE 2022/23
highly qualified, very committed lawyers
Legal 500 2021

Areas of practice

Banking criminal law

Capital markets criminal law

Criminal law on corruption

Internal investigations

Tax criminal law

Cum/ex, ADR and RMC proceedings

Insolvency criminal law

Criminal law relating to money laundering

Fraud and embezzlement proceedings

Subsidy fraud proceedings

Selected Publications

‘Proceeds for the deed’ in cum/ex transactions, comment on Regional Court Frankfurt a.M., judgment of 6 November 2023 – 5 KLs 7481/221786/19


NZWiSt, 2024, 276

Comment on BVerfG, Decision of October 20, 2023 – 2 BvR 499/22, violation of the prohibition of arbitrariness in confiscation orders


NZWiSt, 2024, 25

Confiscation in the context of bankruptcy


ZinsO, 2024, 18

BGH, Decision of June 13, 2023 – 3 StR 152/23, confiscation of value in the case of a combination of property and narcotics offenses


NZWiSt, 386, 2023

Comment on BGH, 08.03.2023 – 1 StR 188/22


NZWiSt, 309 ff., 2023

The prohibition of money laundering and its reform from the perspective of asset recovery


NJOZ, 1025, 2021

Issues of recovery in cum/ex transactions


NZWiSt, 257, 2020

The deduction of expenses in the case of confiscation of valuables


ZIS, 29, 2020

Objects of money laundering (and the problem of contamination): What stems from a predicate offence?


Bergmann/Schröder, Strafrechtliche Studien – Geldwäsche, 2019


